COLOUR: I chose blue because blue is the colour for leadership and Shackleton's the leader of the endurance and her crew.
SYMBOL: this symbol is leadership and service. Shackleton has vary good leadership skills.
PICTURE: I chose this picture because the red man represents Shackleton and the white guys are his crew. He is standing in front of his men which means he leads them and they obey his orders because he is strong (represented by his arms crossed). The red character also represents Shackleton because he stands out from the rest of the characters. Red also represents Shackleton's passion for his men.
PICTURE: I chose this picture because the red man represents Shackleton and the white guys are his crew. He is standing in front of his men which means he leads them and they obey his orders because he is strong (represented by his arms crossed). The red character also represents Shackleton because he stands out from the rest of the characters. Red also represents Shackleton's passion for his men.